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Thoughts & Inspiration

World Changers

As Tanya and I prayed about what God would want to do with the Adventures Base in Guatemala – I kept hearing the words – “World Changers…Disciple world changers…Send out world changers”.  As I pursued this with God – the Spirit directed me to pray for 300 radical world changers that would be coming out of our base in the next 3-5 years. Since the ministry at the new physical base here will house mainly World Race Gap Squads – 18-21 year olds, I was incredibly intrigued by where the Spirit was leading me to pray and particularly how to fulfill such a calling.

Before our first Gap squad arrived on January 12th – Our long term missionary team began discussing what discipleship might look like and how we could pour into these young adults in the two months we hosted them.  I was increasing convicted that in order to move into God’s desire and call for world changers, we needed to lay out a pretty heavy schedule of Deep Dive Bible Study, Worship nights, one-on-ones and midweek teachings on subjects that God would give us. And this was above and beyond their weekly ministry schedule and their own team times together.

I had a little trepidation that it might be too much – that we might get heavy push back – that this group of young adults would check out or never agree in heart to really push into what God had for them. But the first time we met them we not only saw their hunger for God, but they overwhelmingly took on the discipleship challenge we laid out. And did so in boldness literally asking for more and more of Jesus.

And all along I am looking for World Changers because that is the call.  After one of our Deep Dive Sessions in Luke 5, the Spirit prompted me to approach one of the racers – who had been seeing amazing things in the Scriptures we had been studying and I told her I thought she might have the spiritual gift of teaching – explaining to her how she was not only able to see deep things in Scripture, but able to explain it in ways that others around her could really understand.

She seemed a bit stunned at my words and explained that before the race, and even on the race, how she didn’t like to read the Bible and had fought both God and team members about the importance of it.  But also how God was changing her in the last couple of months to really pick up “her sword” and begin using it.

Fast forward two weeks later – Lauryn preached a message in front of both racers and parents at Gap K’s Parent Vision Trip….And the Spirit not only moved in her and through her powerful words, but moved through the room in unbelievable ways.  Adults got set free, people got healed, parents were moved to pray for spouses and family members, and I know some parents were inspired to make commitments to not sit back in comfort, but see where God was calling them to step forward and begin really building the kingdom. Truly it was one of the best sermons I’ve ever heard on John 21!

Radical World Changers…That is who God is looking for.  Young Adults who will embrace a calling, Step out in faith, Begin Walking in the Gifts of Spirit…and do it immediately.